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Beauty , Life, Craziness!


about me.

Loving my new ring light !!!!.jpg

Hello , welcome to my website. I am so Glad you decided to visit.

I created this website for beauty and life lovers like myself. I love

sharing my opinions and videos with everyone. My Dream is to one day be a great role model and be an inspiration to someone. I am far from perfect, which is why I like to share my flaws and struggles with everyone, Because just maybe they will see that I am a Real person with

issues and struggles that I face everyday. So I would love for yall to join me on my journey and lets all lift each other up and share beauty and Life. I love you all and would love for you all to be a part of my YouTube family as well, so go on over and Subscribe so you dont miss out on new videos.




Be on the lookout for Beauty,

Vlogs,makeup tutorials and reviews, as well as hauls on my YouTube Channel


I also love talking about everyday life as well as post Life Vlogs on my youTube Channel, and share my life via my Social Media.


who can honestly say that there life isn't a little crazy sometimes, Join me on my crazy journey.



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